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Woe is Me:The Seasons
Woe is Me...It's Autumn!
Woe is Me...It's Spring!
After Many Years Publishing

Make Learning Fun!

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen
for Readers' Favorite
"Amy Dua uses rhymes for effect in this wonderful children’s book, Woe Is Me… It’s Winter! This book is so well written that children will have fun reading and they won’t even realize they are learning. Having fun while learning tends to make the knowledge stick better. Amy also does a masterful job of illustrating this book. I taught high school biology for several years and would have loved my students to have read this book when they were younger."
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Now Available
WOE is ME plush!
Exciting News!
Potter Park Zoo is now selling the Woe is Me:The Seasons series at their gift shop!
The Zoo will also be using the books in their instructional programs because of the strong educational content contained in the books!

Click the links below to find the
Woe is Me:The Seasons series
at your favorite store
Tell us what animal you would like to see in the next Woe is Me book!

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